Construction Machinery Department
Academic direction of construction machinery and mechanical equipment
History and general information
The academic direction of construction machinery and mechanical equipment takes its origin from the chair of the “Construction and Vehicle Machines” at the Tbilisi Railway Transport Engineers Institute, which was led by Professor Ivane Bakradze, one of the most visible engineers in Georgia. After joining the Institute of Polytechnic Institute in 1959, this chair was established in 1961 as the “Chair of Construction and Road Machines and Equipment”, which was established by Professor Yuri Kartvelishvili from 1989 until its foundation. Professor Mikheil Shilakadze is head of the direction since 1989. At various times the chair was functioning on mechanical-mechanical engineering, automobile, construction and transport faculties, and at the faculty of Transportation and Mechanical Engineering at GTU.
During its existence, the faculty has issued more than 2000 specialists who work successfully in Georgia as well as outside. Among them are 12 Doctor of Science Techniques.
The Bachelor’s and Master’s Training Curriculum is compatible with the training programs of the world’s leading technical universities. With disciplines, bachelor’s and master students ask for modern disciplines such as: reliability of mechanical equipment, trubotechnics, machine dynamics, fluency theory, numerical modeling, automated designing systems. At the same time, some of them as a separate discipline are read for the first time in higher education institutions (trebactics, reliability of mechanical equipment).
4 Doctor of Doctor of Science (including two engineering academics).
The academic graduates work successfully in both academic and scientific-research institutions as well as in the production and transportation organizations of crane-transport, construction-road, lift and utility vehicles. They also work in the road police department.
Scientific and experimental activities
The academic direction produces construction-road, crane-transport vehicles, lifts and other mechanical machine-devices in their design and exploitation. In addition, the main objectives of its specialization are: crane-transport vehicles, lifts, transport-technologies and nodes and aggregates of mechanical equipment of the construction industry.
The academic direction is based on “Center for Study-Research, Research, Diagnostics and Expertise for Construction, Road, Crane-Transport and Vehicle Vehicles”. The specific objectives of which are construction, road, crane-transport and car engines, conveyors, transportation, elevators, industrial And the object of transport Technological destination lifting transport machinery design, modernization, diagnostics, Expertise. As well as preparation of a number of vehicles (cranes, excavators, bulldozers, drilling equipment and other car operators).
In addition, the scientific fields of academic direction are the study of the main criteria of mechanical equipment exploitation – the tribulation systems and the reliability of the machines and their aggregates reliability.
Accordingly, the main field of academic direction is the problems of the country’s most important building structures and mechanical equipment of construction industry factories.
Academic direction of the efforts of the important steps taken in the Holy Trinity Cathedral dome installation in Tbilisi’s Freedom Square Hotel “Marriott” construction crane to ensure the power station at the Poti port, a metallurgical plant, haidenbergis cement plant in Rustavi, Kaspi brick factory, “nitrogen” and the many other enterprise Lifting-intensive.
The direction of the project is a design bureau with a group of experts who are mainly engaged in the design and testing of crane-transport vehicles and mechanisms. The diploma specialists will be systematically invited for expert conclusions.
The academic direction is one of the oldest academic subdivisions of the Technical University. It has been functioning independently since 1960 and is providing specialist-mechanics for production materials; Civil, industrial, road and railway constructions.
Students are trained by experienced professors, including 3 full professors, Doctor of technical sciences, 4 associate professors.
They have prepared 20 manuals and 15 monographs, more than 300 scientific articles, more than 80 copyright certificates and patents have been prepared, one application is available for discovery.
The directional laboratory base is equipped with modeling machines and mechanisms, relevant research and laboratory electronic-measuring equipment, different types of cranes, excavators and pneumatic wheels with industrial tractor simulators (simulators). Through the latter students learn how to train and manage these cars.
Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates can work in civil, industrial, hydro-technical, transport, military-engineering facilities, enterprises, marine ports, rail-cargo stations, truck terminals, road patrol police stations. As well as in research and design organizations, relevant dealerships and commercial companies, state technical supervision structures, expert bureaus, educational institutions.
Vocational training graduates can work as masters in all of the above-mentioned enterprises and organizations, including those organizations that are installed, maintained and maintained by elevators (Tbillyft, Liftmont, Computerlain, LLC “Palaada”, “Rosu”, “NLG” etc).
From the work done by the directional teachers and students, it is necessary to note:
– Projects for reconstruction of the Enguri HPP crane-transport facilities and a number of mechanical equipment;
– The vast majority of cranes working on the Container Terminals for “Georgian Tournament Expedition” (Tbilisi, Poti) have been upgraded to container transportation;
– Installation of metal constructs and cross nodes of the Trinity Cathedral Dome is based on the technical solution of the direction. Contributions have been recorded in the “Holy” book – “The Holy Trinity Cathedral was built like this”;- Construction of Hotel Marriott Hotel The Freedom Square in Tbilisi was carried out in the direction of the design bureau through the modernized long term stroke.
– Technological design elevator project of government communications tower with a height of 70 m (Makhata Mount).
– Monitoring started in 2015 in the direction of selection of port transportation technologies on the area of prospective development of “Poti Sea Port” Ltd and Transfridge Ltd. (Poti).